Monday, January 3, 2011


This story is really late. I mean, it's already about time to go back to the classroom and here I am posting a story that happened right after Thanksgiving. Better late than never? Thank God I don't work in a newspaper!

I was teaching multiplication, and since I needed to connect it to real-world situations, I went to town making up word problems left and right. Out of habit, I include students from both of my sections in my problems. Find one such example below (the name has been changed).

"Paco collects baseball cards. If he has 8 pages of baseball cards with 10 cards in each page, how many baseball cards does Paco have?"

Well, Paco was excited to answer the question, so I let him answer it.

As the period ends, he comes up to me and says, "Mr. NAM. How did you know?!" Confused, I look at the binder page he is showing me: baseball cards! Of course I didn't know. I had spent the previous night writing problem after problem and had no idea, but that didn't stop me from smiling and saying, "Yep, I know!"

Looking back on it, I could have boasted, "I know everything about you all!" But then I suppose I'd have to know every detail about every kid from now until the end of the year, so maybe it was better the way I actually responded.

Hope everybody had a good Christmas holiday. I go back Wednesday. Best of luck to all!