Thursday, October 15, 2009

Grading the teacher?

Report cards went home today. In anticipation of this most wonderful/agonizing day, one of my sophomores, who I taught as a 7th and 8th grader, decided he wants to give me a daily grade. He's a pretty goofy kid. He started this on standardized test day. Which was irritating. And consisted of my having a mysterious throat infection. I was mildly amused by this, since he's a pretty goofy kid and all.

"Ms. M., today I'd have to say your grade is an 'F.'"

I'd say a C- that day, maybe a D+, personally, because I just wasn't myself.

I told him, "Gee, thanks."

He said, "Yeah. As in, "FREAKIN' AWESOME!"


Today, I didn't have that class. He gave me a B. Not sure why.


Last period today was my journalism seniors. I had to hand out their report cards. One kid kept taking his from the pile and putting it on top.Just to annoy me. I put it on the bottom to annoy him back, and slowly handed out all of the others. He picked up a witch hat that was being used in my partner's art class earlier in the week, and put it on my head.

"You have to wear this the rest of the day. Because that's pretty much what you are."

Haha. I love seniors and sophomores.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

This girl...

Remember my teacher friend who loves animals, teaches science, and was the intended recipient of Boney the Cat last year? She experienced round 2 today.

Her exam portfolio included her 8th graders making models of habitats for the endangered animals each child researched. One girl finished hers at home (which she wasn't supposed to do) and brought it in this morning. Her animal was a sloth. She brought in a little aquarium-type habitat filled with plants, foam animals, and something that sorta looked like a sloth. She also had two fighting fish. In plastic bags. Dead. Stinky. Wanted water to add to the habitat so she could add the fish to it.

She went next door to the principal's office, interrupted a meeting, and relayed the story. Two of the people in the meeting said simultaneously, "Why do kids always want to bring you dead animals?"

She made the girl flush her fish. Apparently, she'd purchased them for this project.


Same child....

This child is not as dumb as the previous story makes her seem. She's too smart for her own good, unless it comes to making a model habitat. Or transporting/caring for fish.

She does, however, have more attitude in her pinky finger than the rest of the school combined.

She burst into the learning center on Monday wearing one shoe while brandishing the other. That shoe was covered in meat sauce. She yelled at the vice principal and guidance counselor, "You know I don't like people using attitude on me." This was said with much head bobbing and shaking of the meat-sauce-laden shoe. The VP stopped her and said, "Have you ever heard of the saying, 'the pot calling the kettle black?'" She hadn't, and VP gave her a quick lesson on the meaning. This child, "Stevette," has been at our school since middle school, as has the child she's about to discuss. They are not in the same class this year, but may have been last year. There are only 20 8th graders total, by the way.

Stevette: Well, you know that girl, she's in 8th grade...I don't know her name though....but she's the one that walks around like she's better than everyone else, and she's a triflin' ho?
GC: You mean, Stevette Jones?
Stevette: (Ignores this statement)
Through discussion, and lecturing on the use of the term "triflin' ho," the VP and GC figure out that she's talking about a decent student who is just very, very quiet named "Melissa."

Apparently, Melissa and Stevette got up to throw away their trash at the same time. Melissa either missed the trash or had her lunch fall off the trash...not really sure. Either way, her plate, filled with meat sauce, missed the can, landed on the floor, and coated Stevette's shoe.

Stevette: "And I said to her, 'Aren't you gonna clean that up?' and she said 'No' and walked away!! You need to go get her and make her clean this!!"
VP: "Stevette, if it had happened the other way around, and you spilled something on Melissa's shoe, would you have cleaned it up?"
Stevette: "No."
VP: "I appreciate your honesty, but since you wouldn't clean Melissa's shoe, Melissa will not clean your shoe."

Stevette proceeds to freak out over Melissa not being in trouble.

VP mentions that they will speak to Melissa about not leaving messes on the cafeteria floor, but that they will not do anything about her not cleaning Stevette's shoe.

Stevette: Well, who's gonna clean my shoe?!?!?!!?!
VP and GC: You are. (They return to their conversation, Stevette storms off angrily mumbling.)