I figured he borrowed it for a project. I taught him as a 7th grader and an 8th grader, I teach him now, and he's in my play, so I know him pretty well. He's a good kid. Funny, too.
Then I thought....maybe he's Bedazzling it or decorating it or something. It's a documented fact that I am a sucker for cool office supplies. I wasn't too worried, especially since he said, "And don't worry, it's not your red Swingline. It's the other one."
When I pulled into the parking lot today, I saw him walking up with something in his hands, but I couldn't see it. He had an odd look on his face, then turned and walked with his back to me. I was convinced that he was trying to avoid my glance because maybe he was skipping out on rehearsals. I went to put my purse away before going on morning duty, and got stopped by about 4 different kids. Some were legit, I think. One was painfully and obviously trying to delay me. I saw the kid walk past me at the crossroad in the hall followed by two other kids and a teacher, and still thought nothing of it. They let me get to my room, and one girl said, "I hope you believe in good luck on Friday the 13th!"
I opened my door and they trailed in after me (subtle, guys....realllll subtle....) but I saw nothing wrong at first. Then I turned to my desk and saw a large green gelatinous dome. With my missing stapler in it.
Flashback a few weeks, and the kid and I were talking about funny things we've seen on TV. I said, "I still say that one of the funniest things I've ever seen was on the first episode of 'The Office' when they put Dwight's stapler in the Jell-O mold and he opens the drawer and discovers it." The kid replied with, "What would you do if that happened to you?" My reply? "So long as it wasn't my red Swingline, I'd probably laugh my head off."
I set myself up, then completely forgot I'd done it. For the record, yeah. I laughed my head off.
Epic win, child. Epic win.