Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why did my brain reverse censor itself?

So in drama club this morning, we had some extra time, and we decided to kill it with charades.

Two teens, "Oscar" and "Subway," guessed a correct answer simultaneously. They decided to settle this feud with a game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors."

I watched as Oscar went, "Rock, Paper, Scissors." He threw down scissors as he said the word. 99% of the world says, "Rock, Paper, Scissors, SHOOT!" and throws on "Shoot." Subway plays in the 99th percentile. He saw Oscar throw scissors, and, naturally, threw rock. I said they had to do it over to be fair, and explained to Oscar how to play it otherwise.

I WANTED to tell him, "You can't throw on scissors. You have to throw on shoot."

What I DID tell him was, "You can't throw on scissors. You have to throw on shit."

The dozen kids erupted into raucous laughter, my hand slapped itself over my mouth, and I turned tomato red. I sat there for a few minutes, said, "I'm going to walk out this door, take a second, and come back to start the day over."

So I walked to my friend's room, told her what happened, got a boost of confidence, and went back in the room. They were all sitting there, stunned.

Oh Lord. I don't know where that came from, or why it did...the only thing I can think of is that my brain reverse censored itself. It knows that when I want to say "shit," it should say "shoot" at school. Instead, when I tried to say "shoot," it said "shit."

I immediately e-mailed the guidance counselor and the vice principal and told them what happened. I got a response of "I love it!!!! :) " from the guidance counselor.

Ugh. What a